Wednesday, March 3, 2010

what is exactly is the path?

i know that god has a plan for all of us, but come on now...what else can this man go through????

the cultures came back on dad's incision drainage...positive for infection

so 21 since his orginal surgery, he was admitted back into the hospital and will undergo surgery yet again! count them people...3 surgeries in 3 weeks!!!!

first plan...clean out all infection and hope for the best

second plan...if infection is unable to be completely cleared, then they must redo the whole hip replacement, so again more surgeries and more risk for things to continue to go wrong

third plan...if nothing else works, the only other alternative is to remove his leg :(

i just wish things would go right...i know that he can get through the physical part of all this crap..i just dont know how he will mentally get through it all...

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