Thursday, May 20, 2010



i am ready for the school year to come to an end...probably not as much as my kids though. :) i am ready to hit the river and relax with my family. i am not looking forward to sporting a bathing suit, but what the hell? i think you are expected to look like crap while floating the river. we shall be gone just a short few days then back to work and school.

bryan is busy getting contracts signed by all his production growers and doing field inspections. he is pretty much into full swing and it will only get busier from here on out.

braxtyn will be enjoying most days home with me. i am looking forward to spending some quality time together and hitting up some fun spots along the way. she will be going to school 1 to 2 days a week to spend time with her friends while i am hitting the books.

i will be starting my graduate work this summer. i am excited and scared all at the same time. hopefully i will gain lots of helpful knowledge that will be put to good use. next year at school, i will be teaching 3rd english language arts/reading. sadly though, my buddy traci, is moving to 4th grade. i will miss her being next door. it will be a change, but i will make it through.

so for now...i shall finish up my last week of school...bryan shall continue to get contracts and field inspections done....braxtyn shall continue being the little chicken nugget she is :)

pictures to come once we get back from the river :)

Saturday, May 15, 2010

update on dad

okay, to say the least...we have been pretty busy here lately. i have been horrible at updating anything! i know many of you keep up with dads progress thru this blog and i havent been keeping up with it. it goes...

dads neighbors have been taking very good care of neighbor got a motorized wheelchair donated to him and another neighbor is letting him borrow his golf cart so that he can get around their property. he is super excited to get out of the house and around.

he had a follow up with his surgeon this past week and everything is looking good. his incision sight is closing up nicely and is about 1/2 way closed up from where it began. he is still on the wound vac due to all the fuild still being produced. hopefully within the next 2 months he will be able to get on the vac...something i know he is looking forward too.

my uncle jr, dads oldest brother, has been coming up to help out as much as he can around the house. we are all very thankful for him. :)

dad has also been out driving, which is another great motivation for him. he doesnt do much, but the little he does makes him feel good that he is able to do things for himself.

he has been getting the travel trailer ready for our family river trip in 2 weeks. we are all excited to leave work behind and relax on the river. my sister and her kiddos will be there, my uncle jr & aunt margaret, mom & dad, amy and us 3 will be there. i am looking forward to spending time with them all.

so overall, dad is improving slowly each day and he seems to be in good spirits. things are moving forward with his lawsuit & hopefully justice will be served to those who overlooked the cancer for so long.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

and all the random inbetween...

i forget to update the here are some pics of the last few weeks/months ;)

better yet...check out my facebook page....!/deahenson

sorry for being lazy :)

Braky & her big girl haircut

the before....

my absolute fav pic!!!

she was such a big girl and did a great job...overall about 4 inches off

dusty kept trying to get her to look down...she wasnt going for it...we sat there with out phones showing her pics

A few days with Kenadi

James & Tiff spent a few days in Vegas this past week and we kept Kenadi. The girls were super excited to spent so much time together. :)

Relaxing before bed...watching dora

and munching on some popcorn

laying together the next night before bedtime

notice the dora & boots....brax is on a mission to find some for herself

Birthday Dinner

We went 50 Yard Line for my b-day dinner. Brax loves the soup...she calls it her coffee. :)

Sitting with daddy...

Birthday dessert...i told her to stick her tongue out and she did until bryan snapped the pic...then i got the wierdo look

finally some love

braky drove us home :)

Clay Cafe

For my birthday this year, I wanted to take Braky to Clay Cafe to make me a special gift. She wanted to color a frog (she remembered from last time we were there) and I wanted a zebra foot print. She really likes going here and has so much fun!

Painting her foot for the zebra print...

and the final zebra print