Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Surgery Scheduled

My dad had his follow-up today and good news was heard! The cat scan showed no other cancer within his body...it is only in his hip. When I called around 6, they were still in San Antonio. He was getting "fitted" for a cast. As we speak, there is a place in New Jersey getting a hip in route to Texas for him. He will undergo a right hip replacement on February 11th. The dr said he will be in surgery for about 6-7 hours and then will stay in the hospital for about 5 days. I am sure he is super excited to come home in a body cast. :) I am just relieved that there is a solution within his reach and he will soon have no more pain.
I talked to him after they left the drs office and he said he would rather we come down once he gets home. I have been there to see him off to surgery for every major one he has had...this will be the first pre-op visit I will miss. That worries me some, but I do have to admit that I would rather be at home with him than in a hospital with Braxtyn. I bet he would like to remember us being there too. Plus Bryan will be in Memphis the week of his surgery, so it would be better on us all to have Bryan there too.
Overall...I can breathe a sigh of relief for now and hopefully before too long Dad can too! :)

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