Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The Story of the Lost Eye...yes, I said EYE!!!

This morning the office called over the speaker for a child in my class to come to the office to call her mother asap. Ok, so let's call her J, goes down to the office. She comes back a few minutes later and approaches me at my table.

J...do you know why i had to call my mom?

me...no, why?

J...my mom was crying because her eye fell out

me...WHAT??? her eye fell out?

J...very calm...yea

me...what do you mean? is she okay?

J..yea, she is fine she just cant find it

me...WHAT?!?!? she can't find it? how did she lose it?

j...i dont know

me...i dont understand. has this happened before? why can't she find her eye? is it a real eye?

j...yea, it has come out before and she thought i had it...and yes it is real?

i am getting more confused as this conversation goes on and yet i continue...

me...are you sure her eye is real?

j...well, she was shot along time ago and it is kinda real and kinda not

me...okay, so her eye comes out and that is normal and she thinks you have it? why would you have it?

j....i dont know, but i dont have it

me...well i hope she finds it and is okay

This by far is the strangest conversation I have ever had!!! Now, J is identified as special ed and is fairly slow with most things. So here I am thinking that she is just confused herself. To make things more confusing...i have met her mother on several occasions and it is hard not to notice the "crazy eye" which i thought was a real eye. It looks off to who knows where and anyone would think that she had a lazy eye or as I labeled it "crazy". Now, someone explain to me why her fake eye is not focused forward? Why would you have a fake eye that looked off to who knows where? Isn't the point to make it unnoticable?

J is a pretty funny gal and she laughed throughout of conversation and I tried hard to keep it all in. Afterall, I was the adult in the room and there were 17 other pairs of eyes watching me.

When I was sharing this conversation with my teaching buddies another funny story was brought up.

Yesterday, we all received an email to check in a students backpack for something his mother was looking for. Now....what in the world would we say to an email that read like this?

Can you please look in J's backpack from her mother's eyeball?


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