Last minute, we decided to go to Kerrville to spend the 4th with my family and of course everyone was super excited to see us. :) Here are a few pics from the evening...
Pop and Braxtyn...she so needs a tan :) MiMi and Braxtyn
Braxtyn and her favorite cousin ever...Carlie :) Braxtyn was her shadow the entire time we were there. Carlie spent the night with us every night and was Braxtyn's caregiver. Bryan and I are currently trying to figure out how we can get Braxtyn a big sister.
We so wish these guys lived closer....from top to bottom, Lauryn, Meagan, Carlie, Braxtyn and Chase. Braxtyn has total issues with Chase, she is such a brat! She was upset that he tried to touch her...notice his hands...hehe
And last is our family...has Bryan always been that tall? He is starting to make me feel short :(
it is funny that i thought the same thing about the height when i saw this pic...