The story starts a few months ago when we noticed our driveway was starting to sink. In the past we have had issues with the ground sinking and the fence sinking along with it in that particular area. Anyway, we talked to our builder and they said, "no problem, we'll knock it out and build the ground back up and pour new concrete." Great...except it hasn't happened and after tonight...I really wish I hadn't known the real reason why the driveway is cratering.

Here's tonights events...
When Bryan got home we decided to clean out the garage. He had gone to his grandparents today and brought home some random "guy" things and a John Deere tractor from Bryan's childhood. He keeps telling me that it is a classic and worth something...I still need some convincing on that, but his vision is to restore it and let Braxtyn have it. Cool idea, I have to agree.

Braxtyn's little legs just aren't quite long enough to ride this just yet solo. She finally got her daddy to sit on it, but his legs were way too long. So I get on and take off for a ride, hoping that the thing didn't crater on me! Braxtyn decided that she wanted to ride with me. Thankfully, no pictures were taken of that! So we ride from the back of the house to the front and the dogs start barking like crazy. So we ride back to the back of the house and Daizie just won't let up. Bryan looks over the back of the fence and says, "I think there may be a hornet back there, I hear something buzzing." From this point, freaking out starts in. He looks over the fence and says, "No, more like a hiss...I know what has been living in that hole."

So I have known that the hole was there, but actually knowing what was living in there freaks me out! Bryan went inside to get a gun to kill the "little snake," that's what he told me. Well, since I am in freak out mood, I already have Braxtyn in my arms so now I have to say my dogs! I open the gate, Kyzer immediately ran out and Daizie right behind him. I looked over and "little snake" my ass! That damn snake was at least 4 foot long!!!!! GROSS!!!! I slam the door and all my babies go into the garage and await for Bryan to save us. Bryan shots the giant snake with a 22 not to my satisfaction! I told him I wanted to hear a big boom! Kill the nasty thing dead! I have mixed feeling about posting the next pic, but you gotta see this. And notice that you can't even see the whole thing!

After this whole ordeal and Bryan knows jut how freaked out I am he proceeds to tell me his thoughts. This snake is rather large and has to have lived here for awhile. We have lived her for 4 years and Bryan has seen snakes on and off, little ones he tells me, but I have never seen one. He proceeds...the driveway is sinking and th snake holes are right at the site of concern. Could it be possible that we have lived with this snake for years and it has hollowed out the ground below our driveway? Is that possible? Seems unlikely, but makes me wonder?