To start off the evening, his parents were 2 hours late and come to find out, they stopped to do some shopping. What? We had plans people!!! Dinner was on the table, the girls had already eaten, and once I found out they were shopping, I decided not to wait on them. Needless to say, I was a little frustrated by them before they even arrived.
As usual, Bryan's dad was his cheerful self and didn't say a word at the dinner table. It is just akward to sit there with people who you know would rather be somewhere else. We finished dinner and everyone went to the living room. Except Bryan and me...afterall, we cooked all day, ate the cold dinner...why shouldn't we clean it all up by ourselves?
I did however enjoy letting the girls make reindeer food, it was quite messy and I am not sure if I will ever get all the glitter out of my house, but it was worth it! After everyone left, we drove around out neighbor looking at Santa Lights and tossing reindeer food out so that Santa would surely find our house!
Onto opening gifts...
The first packages handed out were not to the girls, but rather to Bryan, Brad and Mike. And can you guess what awesome gifts these were????? helicopters...thats right I said helicopters!! His parents acted like these were the greatest gifts ever and they flew them around my living room like 12 year olds.
So onto Braky Bear....
Braxtyn picked out her first gift to open..."Ooooo, Mommy...potato head, open it!" She had to put Mr. Potato Head together before moving onto her next present. #2 a magnadoodle! Braxtyn has been "eye-ing" Kenadi's since this summer, she is now a happy camper that she can draw like Kenadi. #3 CandyLand...I know we will have hours of fun with this! #4 Cars and Ratattouile from Uncle Brad and it! we watch both of these movies quite often on dvr. #5&6 A Dennis the Menace Christmas and Beethoven's Big Break...can you guess who these were from...thats right...his parents. They are right on target with 2 year olds. #7 a tv/dvd combo for brax's room. This gift was given by Bryan's parents. Why you ask they can suck it up so bad and then pull through with this gift? That's because we had picked it out to get for Braxtyn and they got it. Brax was so excited when she realized that she would be able to watch cowboy woody in her room!
The girls played while the guys flew their stupid helicopters, which by the way, Bryan broke within minutes. Money well spent guys. So here I sit, complaining about these people who I will forever have in my lives. I know I should be nicer, but they make it so hard. I should be packing because we are leaving tomorrow. We are supposed to be in Seagraves by lunch and I haven't packed a damn thing. I think I just might be atleast 2 hours late tomorrow! :)